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June K. Berg's Gift of Scholarships to Redeemer's Ladies Retreat

 June Berg 1994

June K. Berg has been a member of the Redeemer Lutheran Church for over 50 years. June was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in January of 1998. For many years June had been a very active loving member of the Redeemer Church. When June's life was taken over by Alzheimer's, her church participation gradually diminished. Finally on March 16th of 2005, June had to be placed in the care of an Alzheimer's facility. After a long, weary and exhausting battle with Alzheimer's that lasted almost 11 years, God finally took June to her heavenly home on 23 October 2008.

The Redeemer Lutheran Church of Fridley frequently sponsors an annual Women’s Retreat  for the ladies of the church.

June loved her church activities and frequently participated in the Women’s retreats whenever they were offered.

June’s gift of partial Scholarships to the Redeemer Women's annual retreats, is an event that enables June to show her love and God’s love for the women of the Redeemer Lutheran congregation. June’s  first participation  will be for the 2010 annual Women’s retreat to be held at the Mount Olivet Retreat Center in Farmington, November 12-14th.  The theme of the conference is: “Are You Thirsty? – A Soul Care Retreat for Women.” The featured speaker is Mindy Caliguire.

June’s scholarship love gifts are intended for the Redeemer Lady or ladies who are economically disadvantaged and would otherwise have difficulty attended the event.

The scholarship fund will be administered by Annette Beseman, the business administrator for Redeemer Lutheran Church.

If this event is continued in future years, I know that June would be both honored and thrilled to continue her participation in this wonderful Redeemer ladies event.

The website for the Redeemer Lutheran Church can be reached by clicking on the below link:

 (Redeemer Lutheran Church of Fridley)




Purple AngelJune and Stan were both appointed as Purple Angel World Dementia Ambassadors  (October 2013) for the purpose of promoting world wide awareness of Alzheimer's and the dementia diseases. Such an awareness will in turn  promote funding for research to find a cure and to promote proper care practices. June was appointed an honorary Purple Angel Ambassador with Stan as her representative in order to promote her many  charitable programs that all have an Alzheimer's and dementia awareness connection. June is the only resident of Heaven to have received this honor...and who actually lives among the Angels...The Purple Angel world headquarters is in Devon, United Kingdom.

