June's and Stan's oldest Son David Dies of Cancer!
- Details
- Published on Sunday, 28 October 2012 21:17
- Written by Stanton O. Berg
(David Michael Berg - 28 March 2003)
Our oldest son David died from one of the many forms of Cancer. Perhaps it would be more correct to say that we lost our oldest son to the evil ravages of smoking and tobacco. Yes, David had a choice but like so many others, he started his smoking at a young age. His smoking became an unshakeable lifetime habit that he could not seem to break. After trying different methods to free himself, David finally broke the habit a year ago…unfortunately, the damage had already been done. Less then 4 months ago he was diagnosed by his oncologist with advanced lymph node/lung type cancer and given one chance in 10 to live. The oncologist described the cancer cause as David’s former smoking. David died on October 18th, 2012.
The US Government CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) published data for the year 2011 which indicates that:
Tobacco is the single most preventable cause of death in the US. Approximately 46.6 million US Adults are smokers. Each year 443,000 die prematurely as the result of smoking and another 8.6 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking. The most common cancers from smoking are Lung, Larynx, esophageal and oral. Why do we permit such an obvious poison to the human body and health system to be freely marketed? The answer of course is the money greed of mankind and a weak and corrupt government. It was on March 8th, 1983 that President Reagan described the Soviet Union as an “Evil Empire”. I nominate the tobacco industry as the present day evil empire. The yearly deaths due to tobacco caused cancer match the US deaths in all of World War II. While we tolerate this massive cause of death, we scream about the number of deaths in Iraq which are minuscule in comparison!!! Is the world crazy?
By a rather unusual coincidence, David’s mother June also died in late October on the 23rd (2008) from complications of Alzheimer’s, and his Grandmother Ellen died on the 21st of October (2007) another victim of Alzheimer’s. David, his Mother June and his Grandmother Ellen all died within a six (6) day time span in the month of October.
David’s Published Obituary-Funeral Notice - the Minneapolis Star - Tribune-
- Wednesday October 24th, 2012 -
(David Michael Berg -28 March 2003)
"David Michael Berg passed away quietly on 18 October 2012 at Fairview Southdale Hospital in Minneapolis, another victim of Cancer.
David was the oldest of the four (4) children of his parents June and Stanton Berg. David was born at Rice Lake, Wisconsin on September 1st 1947.
Shortly after birth, David was “Baptized” in a small Lutheran Church in Wisconsin. At the age of 11, David became a member of the Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fridley on 5 October 1958 along with the rest of his family. David was “Confirmed” in the Redeemer Lutheran Church’s Confirmation class of 1962. Although David has lived for most of his life in other parts of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, he considers Redeemer to be his church home. David credits his mother June with bringing him into a relationship with Jesus Christ as his Christian God and savior. David describes his Christian faith as “extremely important to me!”
In 1952, David's parents moved to Chisholm, Minnesota where he first started school in the Chisholm pre-school system. In 1953, the family moved to Duluth, and later in 1957 to the Twin cities area of Minneapolis and St. Paul. David completed High School at Fridley, Minnesota. David later attended the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis for four (4) years.
David's life time occupation centered around sales and marketing. His first sales position was with the Jostens Company. David’s last and most satisfying marketing position was the sale of precious metals with the Investment Rarities Company.
David’s interests were fishing, nature, the outdoors and vacations with his wife Khim that “build good memories”. David often recalled with pleasure, his past travels with his wife Khim to such places as Niagara Falls, New York City and Time’s Square, Miami, Chicago, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Yellowstone National Park, Pike’s Peak and the Black Hills of South Dakota. Minnesota fishing trips included Lake Superior, and the many popular inner state fishing lakes.
The first three of David's four children were born during the years 1967-1974. (Kristen Marie, Gretchen Kaye and Steven Oneal) His fourth and last child, Jordan MacKenzie was born in 1984. When David met his wife Khim, he found the "Love of his Life". David and Khim were married in Las Vegas on 28 March 2003.
David describes his marriage to Khim as: ”Since we first met, my wife Khim has been my greatest joy. I want her to know this and I want my entire family to understand this…only she has given me true love, companionship and complete support.”
David’s wishes for the rest of his family are: “For my children, I wish them wisdom, independence, happy lives and a strong Christian faith. For my father, I wish a long life of good health, purpose and fulfillment.”
Much like his mother June, David has was one to always display a big smile that complimented a friendly, generous and kindly nature. Over the years, all of his siblings have benefited from their older brother’s caring concern for them. Both David’s mother and father gratefully acknowledge being recipients of David’s gifts of caring kindness.
David is survived by his loving wife Khim, his father, his siblings, Daniel Lee (Diane), Susan Ellen and Julie Lynn, his children Kristen Marie, Gretchen Kaye, Steven Oneal, Jordan Mackenzie and his grandchildren Andrea Jean, Brianna Holly, Ileana Charlotte, Sophie Olivia, stepson Andre Lowrent, nieces and nephews. David was preceded in death by his mother June and by the grandparents on both sides of his family.
David will be deeply missed by his family, his children, his grand children and his many friends. David’s passing leaves an emptiness that cannot be filled.
Funeral service will be at 11 AM on Friday October 26th at the Redeemer Lutheran Church, 61 NE Mississippi Way, Fridley, MN 55432 (763-574-7445). Visitation in church 1 hour prior to the service. Following a church luncheon, Internment will be at Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN. Funeral arrangements by Miller Funeral Home, Fridley Chapel 763-571-1300."
(Photo Note: Photo above right was taken at David and Khim's wedding March 28th 2003.)
June’s Alzheimer’s and her son David
15 March, 2005 was the eve of the day (16 March) that June would be placed in an Alzheimer’s Assisted Living facility for her future care, David and his wife Khim hosted a dinner for June and I at a local Champps restaurant in New Brighton, MN. June was unaware at the time that this would be her last night at her home before going into an institution for Alzheimer’s care. Later that night after returning to home at 6025 Gardena Lane, Khim and David were massaging June’s feet as she rested on the living room couch…David who rarely sheds tears or weeps was wiping away the tears from his eyes as he thought of his mother going to a facility the next day for the remainder of her life. What a sad 24 hours that was for David and the entire Berg family.
(Photo Note: The above photo - awaiting seating at Champps.)
In November 2007, I published a birthday tribute to my June who was then in the late stages of Alzheimer's. The published tribute contained the following comments by David"
“Our oldest son Dave tells me that because of you he found God…Dave now feels that "God has not taken you home as God probably feels we can all still learn from you"…Perhaps Dave is right...”
(David at Christmas time 1994)
David’s friendly smile and happy demeanor was an ever present trademark and always served as reflection of his mother June. (See photo above.) At David’s funeral, I was approached by three of his friends and co-workers from his former place of work at Investment Rarities. All three told me of how David’s friendly nature and personality helped to make their workplace a better place for them. The below unsolicited letter was one I received from a co-worker of David’s on 23 October 2012.
“Mr. Berg,
I worked with David the entire time he was with Investment Rarities.
I hope you can find comfort now in knowing he is now with your beloved wife and his mother. (June)
Please express my deepest sympathy to David’s children and siblings.
I knew David very well and I will miss him. He was one of the “Good Guys” at work. He loved his family very much.
He talked of you often about how great you were to him...
David was such an optimistic person, he made the world a better place to live. He never complained, and I didn’t even know he was sick until I told him that I was retiring in August which was shortly before he left as well.
The world has lost one of the best!
June O’Gara”
"My Son David…Reflections on the first Anniversary of his passing"
Stan Berg 18 October 2013
I always think of Dave with his million dollar smile much like his mother June...his pleasant and friendly disposition and his demonstrations of generosity. He always displayed a positive and upbeat attitude. Dave and I had an almost unbelievable lifetime relationship in which I can not recall a single exchange of any cross or angry words between us at any time over all the years of our life together. I miss him very much. I miss our regular every other week leisurely Saturday lunches at Champps in New Brighton where we reviewed the world's affairs and happenings and found our own solutions...our political views and inclinations were similar...
It is strange how some memory flashbacks are repeated time and again over the years...for me it is the picture in my minds eye of David running down the sloping sidewalk in the late afternoon as he returned home from pre-school in Chisholm, Minnesota at the age of five. Dave was wearing the grey coat that June had made by hand for him. Our family funds were rather limited in those days and June made many of the children’s clothes by hand in order to help keep our budget afloat.
There is a favorite saying that: “To Err is Human”. David like all of us was not perfect and made many mistakes in judgment during his early adult years…Those mistakes would later cause Dave personal hardships, marriage problems and much stress in his later life…Dave was eventually able to rise above most all of his problems and the hardships and mistakes in his life…the turning point in his life came when he finally achieved true marriage happiness with his present wife Khim…
Unfortunately…Dave was not able to conquer his smoking habit until too late…He was diagnosed with Lung-Lymph node Cancer in June of 2012 and placed on chemotherapy with a prognosis of only one chance in ten to survive. He continued however to maintain his normal upbeat attitude while I mounted an international campaign and call for prayers for Dave through my worldwide Alzheimer’s contacts and internet postings. Dave was a committed Christian. I remember one Saturday after our luncheon when David in a smiling and rather casual manner declared to me that he was “Not afraid to die”.
It was also in June of 2012 that Dave planned a special “Father’s Day” cook out for me at his home in which he was grilling my favorite “Bison Steaks”….although he was not feeling well that day, he swore his wife Khim to secrecy to maintain a silence about his health so as to not spoil the day for me…We had a great meal all prepared by Dave…following the meal, I was presented with my father’s day gifts…I had no idea of how Dave was suffering from the effects of his cancer during the entire time…I learned later that shortly after I left his home that day, Dave’s sickness caused him to became unconscious for a short time.
It was this event that finally shocked me into a true awareness of how really sick Dave had become…Dave continued to maintain a positive attitude although I am sure he knew that things were not going well for him…after another episode at home in mid October, Dave had to be admitted for emergency treatment in the nearby Southdale hospital…it then became obvious that Dave had only a very short time to live…Hospice arrangements were made for the later continued care in his home.
It was in the hospital's Intensive Care Unit on the evening before the day that David died, that I talked with him privately about his end of life arrangements. Such as where his final resting place would be and about making his funeral arrangements…the need for a Will in addition to his medical directive...(I am a very emotional person and I am amazed now in looking back that I was able to hold this discussion without breaking down completely) I had hoped that he would want to be at Lakewood Cemetery near his mother June...and he did...I told him that when I made my weekly visits to Lakewood I would be able to visit them both...his last words that night were "I Love You Dad"...what a great gift he gave me at that time! It was the evening of the next day that he again slipped into an unconscious state from which he did not awaken.
David is now located only approximately 50 feet from his mother June in the "Garden of Seasons" section of Lakewood and only about a city block from the Cemetery's small private lake. I visit them both every Wednesday all year.
I recall sitting in on earlier discussions during that same day that I had my end of life talk with Dave. These were the discussions with Dave concerning the setting up of Hospice care for Dave’s expected return to his home. During that discussion, one of the hospital's Palliative care Chaplains inquired about David's personal religious faith. With a smile on his face and in the presence of family members and hospital medical staff, Dave affirmed his Christian faith and his belief in Jesus!
I will always remember and be indebted to David as one of my strongest supporters in all I have tried to do to preserve June’s honor and memory with an Alzheimer’s Awareness connection…even his final words in his medical directive stated:
“For my father, I wish a long life of good health, purpose and fulfilment.”…
At “Peace” with Death Around the Corner - David and Ray Price
Stan Berg - 19 December 2013
When I read about Ray Price’s death on Monday I was struck by the significance of his last words to his fans as quoted by his wife…what a wonderful ending to a great life!
“I am at peace. I love Jesus. I'm going to be just fine. Don't worry about me. I'll see you again one day."
I could not help but think of a similar passing by my son David just a year ago on 18 October 2012…
About a month before David’s death, David and I had a discussion about his cancer and my requesting prayers for him…David had informed me that his doctors gave him only 1 chance in 10 of living…with his usual big smile on his face, David told me:
“Dad, I’m not afraid to die!
David was already at peace with his depressing chances of living…
It was then later on the day before David left this world, and shortly after I had privately discussed the necessary end of life arrangements with him, that a palliative Chaplain from the hospital staff discussed hospice with David…the Chaplain not aware of David’s faith was cautiously discussing the subject with him…
David in the presence of the hospital staff members, the Chaplain and family members and with a big smile on his face and in a clear loud voice, declared his Christian faith…He also specifically declared a personal relationship with Jesus…
There is no question but that David was at peace in his final hours…
This was a peace given to David by his mother June…years before when June was fighting her loosing battle with Alzheimer’s, David told his mother and later the world that his mother June was the one who had given him his faith in God…
No wonder Satan ended June’s life with the terrible disease Alzheimer’s…June was forever a threat to Satan and his world…
At June's funeral after she passed away 23 October 2008, I removed the diamond ring that I had worn on my right hand for many years and placed it on one of June's fingers to remain with her at Lakewood...at David's funeral I removed my Jade ring that I have also worn for many years on my left hand and placed it on one of my son David's fingers to remain with him at Lakewood...the only ring I still have and wear continuously is the wedding ring that June gave me on our wedding day and I have instructed my family that this ring is never to be removed and it is to remain with me when I join June and David at Lakewood when my final bell tolls!
(David's Funeral Remembrance)
Note: The above remembrance contains a funeral home error. The place of birth is shown as Rice Lake, Minnesota whereas it should be Rice Lake, Wisconsin as indicated in the Obituary!
David's Memoral Stained Glass Window
David now has his own memorial stained glass window in the Holy Spirit Chapel at the Benedictine Health Care Center…David’s window is one of seven stained glass memorial windows in the Holy Spirit Chapel dedicated in the memory of family members…
His window is the lower of a group of three stained glass windows behind the alter on the South Side of the Chapel…This group of windows was named the “Living Water’s“ Windows…the fish on David’s window seems appropriate with David’s fondness of fishing….
Below is a close up of David’s stained glass window:
Below is the dedication engraved plate that identifies the window as David’s memorial window:
Other windows in the Holy Spirit Chapel are dedicated to June, (the inspiration for the stained glass windows), Stan’s mother and father (Ellen and Tom Silbaugh), June’s mother and father (Haldis and Henry Rolstad). A very large center window is dedicated to June and Ellen who were both victims of Alzheimer’s and also dedicated to all the worlds victims of Alzheimer’s…
Reader's Comments 2012
Stan’s Introductory Note: I am publishing only a sampling (20) of the very many reader comments that I received on my page, June’s Memorial page and on the Dementia Aware pages following the posting of the notice of my and June's son David’s death. I have also tried to select samples that would not only indicate the length and breadth of the US, but also indicate the international flavor of the responses received. I could not publish all as the totals would easily have exceeded 150. I am most humbled and appreciative of the reader support and response to my postings on the death of my son David. Many of these same people were supportive in the dark and final weeks and days leading up to David’s death. The caring concern and kindness shown, clearly demonstrates the very special group of people that make up what I would call the International Alzheimer’s and Dementia Diseases Fraternity. (These are the Caregivers, the Family, the Victims and their Friends.) Many who extend support to others may at the same time be hurting. Thank you all again for you very special show of love, concern and kindness. I know that if June could do so, she would also thank all of you!...
Aditional Reader's Comments have been added for the 1st anniversary of David's passing...(20 October 2013)
Catherine Jones-Hatcher - Richmond, Virginia - (23 October 2012): "...Losing David at the same time as these significant sad anniversaries (Mother Ellen's death from Alzheimer's on October 21st 2007 and Wife June's death from Alzheimer's on October 23rd, 2008) makes each individual issue even harder to deal with. As my mom always said during the week leading up to the anniversary of my dad's passing.... " I am in a funk, give me some time... and I will get thru it"... and she always did, as you will. perhaps some music would soothe your soul this evening... I hope you can find some solace some where... just know I am thinking of you."
Lora Rushing Robinson - Benton, Louisiana - (23 October 2012): "What a beautiful tribute, he sounded like a wonderful man...may he peacefully rest with God...you and your family are so very much in my prayers...God keep you and hold you in his arms...I imagine he is now in the care of his mother, and happiness abounds in heaven at their reunion."..."(28 October 2012): "What an honor,with the rings...loving you, thinking of you and keeping you and yours, in my prayers."
Cristina Phillips - Wells Beach, Maine - (23 October 2012): "The obituary is written with much love and honor for David, what a beautiful life and person that he was. Keeping all in my prayers."
Sue Lovett - Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom - (24 October 2012): "Thank you Stanton for sharing this with all of us. God bless."
Alexandra Zimmerman - Delmar, New York - (24 October 2012): "I have met some wonderful people online who have become near and dear. I met and befriended Stan after reading his posts about his wife, her memorial site and his research on Alzheimer's disease. I feel like I have gotten to know Stan's entire family through his posts, and was truly devastated to see the news about his son. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family - my deepest condolences on the untimely passing of your son."
Tim Phipps - Indianapolis, Indiana - (24 October 2012): "I am so sorry to hear of your son David's passing. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. You all have endured so much in the last few years. Stay strong. As it gets closer to Veteran's Day, I always think of how I met you through the Applebee's Veteran's Site/Facebook and that we shared experiences with Alzheimer's. I can't thank you enough for helping my family through a tough time. May God look over you and keep you well. Take Care of yourself."
Julia Nedland - Prairie Farm, Wisconsin- (24 October 2012): "Thank you so much for helping us all to know who your son was in such a beautiful way. This is the most beautiful obituary - a perfect example of how an obituary should be written. I don't remember ever meeting him here, but I sure do look forward to meeting him when we finally get to go home."
Christine Pickard - Lincolnshire, United Kingdom - (26 October 2012): "You are in my thoughts and prayers today to give you support on this emotional special day..."Remembering your son David. I'm here spiritually and you are with family and friends...Take care Stanton."...(1 September 2013): "Thinking of you Stanton ,healing thoughts and prayers ..."
Dianne Cogar - Springfield, Ohio - (26 October 2012): "My thoughts and prayers are with you today, this day that David will be laid to rest. My spirit is present to support you, and may you find comfort in knowing God is there to give you strength and help you through this trying hour. It is certain David is watching over all of you from his eternal home in heaven, and I'm sure he us wishing he could be there to wipe the tears and embrace his loved ones. And Stan, I am just as sure he will be very proud of the beautiful arrangements you made to bid him farewell until you all meet again"... (29 October 2012): "You didn't loose your son David, he merely went home to be with his mother and to be healed by the hand of God. I'm sure June has been missing David terribly for some time, just as she is missing you, and in the way you do the both of them now. I hope you find comfort in knowing that this dear lady is in the company of your wonderful son, and she's loving every minute of that just knowing her son is no longer suffering. I can just imagine the two of them together keeping a watchful eye on their beloved father and husband day in and day out. And though they miss you too, in prayer I'd say that they are asking God to give you good health, happiness, and longevity so that you can to continue loving, teaching, learning and growing with a passion for life, and so that you would long to share your knowledge of the world and your joy of family and friends with the others in helping those you love and adore to heal and go on too."
Timothy Hayes - Dublin, Ireland - (27 October 2012): "Stan, was thinking of you Friday, and lit some candles in memory of your dear son David and June,. and for you and your family. May the good Lord be with you all at this sad time. With Respect"...(28 October 2012): "Dementia and Alzheimer's have in one way or another been part of my life for the past 35 years. I experienced it growing up, when neighbors who knew you, years later did not. It was many years later I found out what it was. I spent sometime working in a hospital 35 years ago, working on wards with patients, who did not seem to know who they were, or where they were. In those days there was not as much known as there is about dementia or Alzheimer’s now. I had a close friend who died from dementia related disease, and it saddened me to the depths of my heart. My niece is a Community Matron with a Healthcare Trust in England, it was through her Facebook page I first came across your postings. The mother of a dear friend of mine died a few years ago, and when we spoke about it much later, the one remark that has stayed with me is 'my mother died 10 yrs ago' there had been no recognition from her for that length of time, she had developed dementia which quickly turned into Alzheimer’s. I have read all your blogs and pages and find it uplifting that there are people in the world like you who share so much of themselves, and what you have been through. There are so so many families in the world living with family members who are victims of dementia and related diseases. Of course you can mention what you call my "kind act" if you wish, to me it is something small but meaningful from the other side of the world. God bless you and may the lights of your dearest June, David and your mother shine brightly in your heart"
Bernadette Barbour - Dublin, Ireland - (27 October 2012): "So very sorry for your loss Stanton. Thoughts, prayers, love and light being sent to you and your family. I will light a candle for your son."
Rosemary Mather - Carrickfergus, United Kingdom - (28 October 2012): "Oh, that is so beautiful, (((hugs))) from me also from a very cold UK. Bless you Stan, you're in my thoughts and prayers always"
Sandra Lynn Valentin-Mitchell - Munster, Indiana - (28 October 2012): "What a wonderful tribute to your son David! I just love the new pictures on there. David's smile IS just like his mother's! What happy cheerful people! Again, I just have to say, I admire your family so very much. The picture of David and Khim is just beautiful. I love the red flowers and her red top. You could just see and feel the love between them. I am so sad for her. This is surely a most difficult time for her! I love the picture of the four of you! As I was looking at it, I thought to myself, David looks so well and healthy, who would have ever known? He was just too young, Stan! I am not an everyday smoker, but I do admit...sometime when I go out to dinner with the girls or out for an evening and I have a drink, I will have cigarettes. What a bad habit! Next time I want a cigarette, I will think of David and what he endured."
Marion Reinartz - Cologne, Germany - (28 October 2012):"I am so sorry, Stanton. Thanks for your Information. By reading it, I thought, that my dad had the same loss. He died of the same type of Cancer 16 years ago, only 66 years old. He also was a very strong smoker too. When had his first heartinfarkt before, he immediatly stopped smoking and said: I wonder that I can stop smoking by now. Why didn't I do it before? After that he never smoked anymore. But already he had this horrible Cancer in himself, which couldn't get cured anymore. So he died too young too ... I am so sorry and I am thinking of you and your family ... may David rest in peace."
Ada Padron Criscione - Edgewater, New Jersey - (28 October 2012): "You are an amazing teacher of the human spirit. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your postings."...(31 August 2013):""Thank you so much for sharing your memories of your loving family. So inspiring for me."
Anabela Loureiro - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - (29 October 2012): "You are the epitome of true...I respect you very much. Even though I have never met you, your light touches my heart. Thank you..."
Marilyn Singer - Bothell, Washington - (29 October 2012): "That is a beautiful expression of love for all eternity. That touches my heart."
Nanci Green Gordon - Rock Island, Illinois - (29 October 2012): "I am so sorry, this really hurts me. I didn't know David, but the stock he came from, was pure and good. You have helped me through my Mom and her problems, and maybe now I can help you. I buried a son 10 years ago, at age 34, from nothing. He just didn't wake up from sleeping the night before. No drugs, alcohol, or any of the normal things one would expect (heart etc). He just went on to heaven. I miss him like you miss June, with this deep, heart filled Passion. I can't tell you anything you have not heard, I can't say it will be OK, cause it won't. I can however say that time will help, and you know that, and that I will be here for you, if and when you need me. You are such an..., one that does not deserve such pain. You will go on, and probably teach people not to smoke, you have that ability. You have a special persona about you, it's a gift you know. I personally am glad you crossed my path. That path runs both ways, so if you EVER need me, just call out my name. I will help you any way I can."
Bridie Breen - Manchester, United Kingdom - (1 November 2012): "Well said Stan, truly hope you are finding the strength to get through each day. Take care and God bless."
Nancy Senechall - East Los Angeles, California - (1 November 2012): "I'm sorry to hear of your loss, sincere condolences sent. please take care of yourself, you're in my thoughts and prayers...I respect your devotion to your family, especially your precious bride, June...my dad was the same towards my mom..."
Dementia Living Communities - Los Angeles, California - (31 August 2013): "As you celebrate the life of your loved one, may your heart be filled with happiness for a life of happiness once lived. He seems to be a very happy person. His happiness will be your inspiration.Thanks for sharing. /Andria"
Gabriella Rader - Portland, Oregon - (31 August 2013): "We know they are totally healed by our Heavenly Father's hands now. praying for you stan and that all those wonderful and pleasant memories you share of june and david will continue to bless you and give you a smile."
Kim Monery - United Kingdom - (1 september 2013): "Not an easy day for you Stanton thinking of you and sending hugs from the uk."
Bonnie Seip - Ottsville, Pennsylvania - (1 September 2013): "Thinking of you today Mr Berg ... I understand days are sometimes hard to get through . I lost my Dad 10 yrs ago he was a very healthy man only 74 walked every day . He was at my house for a 4 th of July picnic and had the best time . He always looked forward to my picnics . He passed away SUDDENLY that month on the 25 th . He was having severe pain in the abdominal area Mom called 911 squad arrived and Dad walked out to the squad himself they didn't even put him on a stretcher ! When they finally admitted him to the hospital he was DX with a blood clot in the portal vein to the liver ... He was in hospital 1 week walking the halls , assisting the elderly man next to him in his room . The saddest part was he was allowed out of bed ambulating with no blood thinners or aspirin given then he was released to go home. One week later the clot broke and he passed away . My parents were a Special Couple as you and June were . They were together over 50 yrs + .... It broke my heart to see him go but I know he is in Heaven in the arms of our Father ..... Sorry I am making this long sometimes I just need to vent my feelings with PPL who understand how hard it is to loose someone you love & Care about . I will continue to Pray for you and yours ... Take Care and God Bless you Mr Berg."
Jillian Burdorff - Loveland, Ohio - (1 September 2013): "Sorry for your losses, Stanton... but rejoicing that June and David are together and suffering no more -they are with the Lord."
(David in February 2002 at 6025 Gardena Lane)
Reader’s 1st Anniversary (2013 -2014) and subsequent Comments
Sheila Leers Nilsen – Samish Island, Washington – (18 October 2013): “Such a lovely tribute to your son! Thank you for sharing.”
Lin Mathieu Schmidt - Anoka, Minnesota – (18 October 2013): “He must have been an extraordinary son. Kudos to you and June for raising such a great son.”
Connie Lowers OBrien - Birchwood, Tennessee – (18 October 2013): “God Bless You!
KellyDee Ramos – Laveen, Arizona – (18 October 2013): “Wow, he looks just like you and June. So so handsome!! Remembering with you Stanton. Lots of love to you.”
Stacey Carpenter Cotton - Arlington, Tennessee – (18 October 2013): “I made it all the way through this without getting teary-eyed until I read his words to you. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.”
Dawn Laursen Galati - Orlando, Florida – (18 October 2013): “Nice tribute Stan...”
Chris Law - Westland, Michigan – (18 October 2013): “Beautiful tribute to your son Stanton. My father and I are close as well. I don`t look much like my dad. But I agree with another commenter above he (your son) does look like you. Nice you guys have built so many wonderful memories together. Best blessings to you and your family!”
Tena AndDustin Delatorre - Resaca, Georgia – (18 October 2013): “Very nice.”
Michelle Hall Miller - Irvington, Alabama – (18 October 2013): “People like you and I are lucky, Mr. Berg. Some people have no one to miss, no happy memories and beautiful smiles in their hearts to carry them through.”
Paula Coley - Pittsfield, Massachusetts – (18 October 2013): “Mr. Berg, your strength and unconditional love for every member of your family is so very touching. Reading this post brought me to tears, but the tears were bittersweet. The relationship that you described allowed me to once again thank our Father above for the special relationship that I was blessed to share with both my mother and my father. Having lost both of these 2 very special individuals, my only brother is in Heaven with our parents and never a day goes by that I don't think of them. Some days, I miss them so very much that it hurts, but I somehow always find something to remember that inevitably brings a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing your memorial for David; how blessed the two of you were to have shared such a special father/son relationship! Rest in peace David. Good night and God bless you always, Mr. Berg!...You truly are an inspiration Mr. Berg, because despite all the adversities you have encountered, you continue to cherish what so many take for granted. I am truly thankful to have stumbled upon your pages!
William and Robbin Grimes - Graham, North Carolina – (18 October 2013): “Not going to say like but my heart tears with your pain I'm sorry for what you have gone thru.”
Amy Stiel Almas - Waterford, Michigan – (18 October 2013): “Thank you, Stan...you made me cry but in a good way. Thank you so much for sharing. Big hugs…”
Terry Shepherd - Warsaw, Indiana – (18 October 2013): “I feel a lump in my throat as I read and felt your love for Dave. God bless my friend.”
Kath Jean Rennie - Lockerbie, United Kingdom – (18 October 2012): “I truely feel for you...You have had so many losses in life and...Stan...as British as I may seem here, without being unseemingly...I wish for you, an eventful happening to come into your life...”
Marsha McKneely Ault - Nacogdoches, Texas – (18 October 2013): “Thinking about you…(19 October 2013): “I just reread your post. It is 3:00 AM here in Texas. I am up worrying about my dad. Sorry for all of your losses this month.”
Jennifer Ann - Saint Augustine, Florida – (18 October 2013): “This is touching.”
Dianne Dawn Shockley Watts -Laurel, Delaware – (19 October 2013): “Dear Stan....You have written an amazing tribute to your son and also your wife. Those wonderful memories of your time with your son, I am sure, will always hold a very special place in your heart and with much hope will also remind you of the very special love that you were able to experience in a lifetime. I lost my Dad to cancer 6 years ago and I know that there are so many days that I wish I could see him again, and I know I will. Peace be with you.”
Jackie Van - Ballarat, Victoria, Australia - (19 October 2013): “what a truly beautiful and heartwarming, and emotional, message about your son. Thank you for sharing your precious son with us Stanton “.
Nicola Addison – Spalding, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom – (19 October 2013): “God bless Stanton.”
Bonnie Seip - Ottsville, Pennsylvania – (19 October 2013): “Thank you once again Mr Berg for sharing your story of your life with your son David . It brought tears to my eyes and a very heavy heart ....... God Bless you and yours ...You truly are a amazing Man with a very special place in my heart ...”
Bridie Breen - Manchester, United Kingdom – (19 October 2013): “Stan embrace the memories and the recall of a wonderful warm human being, David sounds like a fine man and a loving son. Rest in Peace.”
Anne Moghraby - Solihull, United Kingdom – (19 October 2013): “Thinking of you.”
Melanie Jean Gardiner - Sidarion, Kerkira, Greece – (19 October 2013): “Thinking of you Stan...”
Sharon Reiter - Saint Michael, Minnesota – (19 October 2013): “Your openness about your grief is so inspiring...”
Maura Buddy Bear - Dublin, Ireland – (19 October 2013): “Stanton what a beautiful heartwarming story of your life's journey with David. You have suffered so much grief , to lose a child must be heartbreaking, David last words to you, I Love you Dad, must give you great comfort and such a Blessing. Thank you Stanton for sharing , God Bless you, I wish I could hug you.”
Lisa Porter Power - Imperial Beach, California – (19 October 2013): “Thank you for this beautiful and heartfelt post. August was my mamas first angelversary as well.”
Debbie Susan Kennedy - London, United Kingdom – (19 October 2013): “life is so very sad at times, as a parent we think our children will out live us, that’s how it should be, but it does not always work out that way. It sounds like you have so many happy memories of your son & wife Stan, it’s a beautiful story. .just so very sad we have to lose the ones we love. Thoughts are with you Stan.”
Gill Denman - Essex, United Kingdom – (19 October 2013): “It is obvious that he was very proud to have you as his father, it is clear he appreciated how lucky he was that you were there. Many people do not have such a strong bond with their family, thinking of both you & David.”
Christine Pickard - Lincolnshire, United Kingdom – (19 October 2013):"Overwhelming how it is written !!! With true, heartfelt ,feelings, never met anyone like you, Stanton, You are One in a ...You made me cry ,But don’t worry in a good way how it is written ...( hug ) and Thank you ..”.
Humberto Ruiz - North Salem, New York – (19 October 2013): “Feelings! Love! Compassion! Empathy! Respect! Thankfully I greet you.”
Fae Lee - Tarnagulla, Victoria, Australia – (19 October 2013): “RIP David.”
Pamela Porter Dilluciano - (19 October 2013): “Praying for you my friend. Weeping comes in the night, but Joy comes in the morning.”
Leanne Becker - Erie, Pennsylvania – (19 October 2013): “How blessed you are to have two people who loved you so much. Thank you Stanton for sharing this.”
Ajay Chhetri Alzheimer’s Nepal - Lalitpur, Nepal – (19 October 2013): “God bless you.”
Kathleen Dean - Fredericktown, Ohio – (20 October 2013): “Thank you for sharing your life with us. Prayers.”
Merideth Sindel - Sydney, Australia – (20 October 2013): “A nice face, bright giving eyes.”
Lorraine Mottershead - Manchester, United Kingdom – (20 October 2013): “Aw bless what a shame looks so young too… First anniversary is always hardest hope your not on your own.”
Dona Gondwe – London, United Kingdom – (20 October 2013): “May he rest in peace.”
Terri Anderson-Redeemer Lutheran Church - Fridley, Minnesota - (21 October 2013) "Good Morning Stan, The month of October is filled with many memories and continued grief as you reflect on the gift of these amazing loved ones in your life-your son, your mother and your beloved June. May the Lord grant you His strength to continue to move through your grief especially this month of October."
Helaine Berman - Prescott, Arizona - (12 February 2014): "Stan, I just read about the loss of David. I am so sorry. I also lost my husband of 22 years from lung cancer. He was smoking 2 packs a day and nothing I said would stop him. The day he was diagnosed, he lived 8 months longer. He told me he should have listened to me."
Catherine Jones-Hatcher - Richmond, Virginia - (25 May 2014): "I just read it all, Stan. What a wonderful tribute to him. I love the Christmas pic with his laughing grin, and that blue sweater. I especially loved reading the tale of Father's Day 2012! What a special day that was, and little did you know that such a memory would become ever sweeter with the passage of time and circumstances. I hope Khim is doing well and learning to cope with the loss, as we all must do."
Beverley Hickey - London, United Kingdom - (31 August 2014): "What a beautiful read you can feel the expressions in the words as you read..."
Di Bower - Chatham, United Kingdom - (31 August 2014): "Such a lovely tribute to both your son and your wife - the stained glass window is beautiful - I was born on 1st September 1947 and I am now caring for my husband who has Alzheimer's - we are in the 6th year of his illness and we have been married for 48 years - God Bless you Stan."
Kim Casper Turney - Watertown, Wisconsin - (1 September 2014):"Happy birthday in heaven Dave!!!!! No party could be better than the one you are having."
Bernadette Barbour - Dublin, Ireland - (1 September 2015): "Happy Birthday in Heaven David. Give June a big hug for me. You were lucky to have had two amazing and loving parents. Send healing angels to your Dad today, because he is missing you and June so much everyday."
Jackie Irving - Liverpool, United Kingdom - (2 September 2015): "Beautiful poiniant story Stan...it made me weep...losing your son ...your child...must have been unbearable ...its wonderful that you have paid tribute to him and I hope you've had a few good memories about him on his birthday...he is safe with God and his mum June now Stan...God bless you."
Bonnie Phillips - Eugene,Oregon - (2 September 2015):"What a wonderful tribute to his mother June. It did bringTears to my heart. Thank you for sharing this letter from Son to mother."
David's Mother June's Passing
David's mother June first noticed a problem with her short term memory during 1997. Short term memory loss is a hallmark first symptom of Alzheimer's. In January of 1998, June was diagnosed by the University of Minnesota as being in the early stages of Alzheimer's. June's long journey into the shadows of this terrible disease ended after almost 12 years when she passed away on 23 October 2008 from Aspiration Pneumonia, a common complication of Alzheimer's. June's funeral notice as published in the Minneapolis Star in October 2008 can be seen on this website under the "In Memoriam" label - or simply Click on this link:
"June K. (Rolstad) Berg - In Memoriam"