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June, I Shared My World With You



June and Stan

(June and Stan 1991)


In 1969, George Jones introduced a hit single called: "I'll Share My World With You" became number 2 on the charts for a single and later number 5 as an album...The writer of the song was Ben November of 1951, Stan proposed marriage to June and June accepted.

June and Stan were married on 16 August 1952...June passed away in early 2008...June and Stan spent 56 years together before Alzheimer's took June away...During those 56 Years June and Stan Shared Their World...and what an exciting world it was!

During those 56 Years, Stan and June traveled the World of Stan's Forensic Science career...June was Stan's Administrative Assistant in his Forensic Science Career.  Stan's Forensic business  handled some 1000 forensic cases, requiring legal testimony in 356 of the Federal, State, Local, Military, Territorial Courts and even in the Canadian Courts and once in Japan.

Stan and June traveled to about 170 Forensic Science Conferences in the US, Canada, Europe and Russia....Stan was almost always a Speaker at the conference and four (4) Times he was the Chairman of the Firearms Symposiums. (Edinburgh, Bergan, Zurich and Dusseldorf)

So Yes, Stan did share His Forensic World with was a world far beyond Stan's wildest imaginations or even far beyond the world of his childhood building of "Air Castles."

Every meal time when Stan thanks God for his food, (Grace) Stan also thanks God for giving Stan and June the huge number of blessings during their life time together...making their life together, a life of adventure..."Thank You Lord".

This hit song by George Jone's was slightly revised by Stan to reflect June and Stan's marriage life interrupted by Alzheimer's when June was taken home to Heaven in October of 2008...Stan's revision suggests a lonely and grieving Stan...awaiting a heavenly reunion with June!

Alzheimer’s is noted as an “always terminal disease” of  a slow and long progression…a disease, always measured in years and not months…for those losing a loved one to Alzheimer's, they are traveling two paths of grief...the first path is as they watch the  slow but steady march of the disease to the eventual certain death of the loved one.

In June's case, a 12 year journey into the shadows of Alzheimer's...then the 2nd and more traditional path of grief immediately follows after the death of the loved one.


Below is Stan's revised George Jones 1969 Hit Single:


"June, I Shared My World With You”


June, I shared my world with you

and everything in it that I own

you gave me the sunshine of your smile

always fresh like the morning dew


its no good now that I’m alone

June, can you see that I'm waiting…

to once again share my world with you

June, I shared my world with you

and everything in it that I owned

June, I gave you my heart

You're the only love it's known

June, can you see that I’m waiting…

To once again share my world with you


June, I shared my world with you

And everything in it that I owned

We shared a lifetime of  memories

Memories for you June and for me…

Stan dreamed of a time that would never be


June, its a lonely lonely world without you.

I’m waiting…to once again  share my world with you


(Revised by Stan Berg April 2015)


George Jones

(George Jones)



Reader's Comments

Betsy E. Wurzel  - Iselin, New Jersey - (11 April 2015): "You are so romantic! Men can learn from you." 

Helen Russin  - Martins Ferry, Ohio - (11 April 2015): "Very nice...Thank you Stan! Lovely picture of June and you."

Keith Reeves - Azle, Texas - (11 April 2015): "Thank you Stan! A great revised version of a great classic! Very special..."



June's Passing

June 1994

After an almost 12 year journey into the shadows of Alzheimer's, early one morning in late October 2008, an exhausted June felt God's gentle touch on her shoulder and heard the words: "Come Home June!" As June lay like a wounded soldier on a battlefield, it was God's Angels that ushered June into a Heavenly Kingdom to the sound of a chorus of Angels...and into June's new home, a "Mansion on the Hilltop", where there is no pain, nor illness nor tears...June's funeral notice as published in the Minneapolis Star in October 2008 can be seen on this website in the drop down menu under the "In Memoriam" label - just Click on:


"June K. (Rolstad) Berg - In Memoriam"