Reminiscences of June, a Traveling Grandmother
Chapter: 8 - June's Life-Long Love for the Lutheran Church
- Details
- Published on Thursday, 29 May 2008 18:40
- Written by Stanton O. Berg
June has had a life long love for the Lutheran Church and has always been a faithful Sunday church attendee. As a teenager, the family Church was a Lutheran Church in Colfax, Wisconsin.
June was confirmed in the same family church, the Lutheran Church at Colfax, WI in 1942.
June recalled that her Mom and Dad (Haldis and Henry) sent her to a Bible Study camp one funds were very short at that time and going to Bible Camp was a very special event...the camp was on one of the Chetek Area lakes...this special week at Bible camp was really an adventure for June this farm gal from Colfax..
(Confirmation class -1942 - Lutheran Church, June 2nd from left front row)
As June's family moved to other farms and areas in Barron County, June's church home was constantly changing..
June first met Stan when he was home on leave from the Army in the spring of 1951. June was then living with her parents on a farm north of Poskin...June was then working in nearby Barron, Wisconsin as a waitress in Gullickson's Cafe..
In the fall of 1951, June had changed to a better paying job at nearby Cameron, Wisconsin and Huffy's Cafe...all the small towns were sure to have a Lutheran Church...
June, Stan and the entire Berg family became members of the Redeemer Lutheran Church of Fridley on Sunday October 5th in 1958. This was on "World Communion Sunday". June remained a member of this church for the rest of her life and for over 50 years.
Jesus Christ and the Christian Lutheran Church have always been an important part of June's life.
All of June's children were baptized at a Lutheran Church shortly after their birth. June was the principle driving force behind the children's religious education. All of the children were later confirmed at the Fridley Redeemer Lutheran Church and had their first Communion in this church.
I was not a regular church attendee in the early years. I would attend on the various church holidays but had many excuses (none of merit) as to why I could not go to church on a normal Sunday. June set a good example and through her many prayers for me, my life was changed.
"June and John 3:16"
Stan did not realize it at the time, but June was using very subtle and effective psychology on him. June knew that Stan spent much of his time in his downstairs office. June also knew that Stan frequently used the little bathroom next to the office. June arranged to place a mounted and attractive plaque with the quotation from John 3:16 on the bathroom wall. It was so located that every time Stan used the bathroom, he was looking directly at the quotation. Stan may not have known much about the Bible but he soon really knew John 3:16. (KJV):
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Gradually, with June's example and influence, Stan's agnostic views changed to that of a believer...but Stan was not attending church regularly.
On one special Sunday after June had left for church and as Stan was sitting in my office He thought about June and one of his work slogans - "first things first" and that he was really not doing this in his life. Stan had a sudden deep feeling of shame in that he had for years let June go to church alone with the children. He arose and went to church that day and he did so regularly ever after. This change in Stan made June very happy. Later when June told others about this change in Stan's life, she would throw up her arms and exclaim: "and suddenly there he was." Thanks to June, I not only enjoyed going to church, I enjoyed the new friends I made at church and found myself looking forward to the next Sunday. Stan also begin to regularly attend the Tuesday morning Bible Study Class at Redeemer Lutheran. This also became a favorite activity of Stan's and he has become a student of the Bible.
When June and Stan were first married, his faith in God had slipped. Although He was confirmed in a small Swedish Lutheran Church in Rice Lake, WI during his high school years, he had slipped away from the church during his early years following high school. He recalled telling June shortly after they were married that he considered himself to be an "Agnostic". He did not say there was no God, he simply said that God had not been proven to exist. June did not argue with Stan's position. All that Stan recalls June saying, was that she disliked the sound of the word "Agnostic"! Thereafter it was June's constant example, her prayers and her inspiration, and her ingenuity that resulted in the change in Stan's life. June served as God's way of changing Stan's life and causing him to accept God and Jesus as the ruler of his life and his salvation! Every morning it was Stan's prayer that Jesus would take over his mind, his mentality and his intellect for the day and to lead and guide him!...Now Stan's Prayer has changed to one of thanking God for all he has done for Stan in his lifetime...and the incredible life that God has given to Stan and June...Now Stan has a prayer list of others that he prays for each morning.
June gave Stan the most important verse in the Bible. Reverend Falwell in his last sermon before he died said: "if the Bible was a financial statement, John 3:16 would be the Bottom Line." He also said that when looking for a synopsis or summary of the Bible, "John 3:16 is the Bible's super summary" and if you understand and believe this passage you have got it all!
" History of the Redeemer Lutheran Church"
(Stained Glass Window from Redeemer Lutheran Church's Old Chapel)
The Redeemer Lutheran Church originated in January 1911 with the first Pastor Dr. O. A. that time Redeemer had no regular church building for meetings. The Fridley Ladies Aid was incorporated with 25 members. Under the guidance of Pastor Dr. Elmquist who was described as "a moving force in organizing this new church"..."for three years they gathered the sum of $1000 for the building"...(Fund raising events consisted of Quilting Bees, Church suppers, and Raffles.) "The land for the church was donated by C. A. Nelson of Cloverleaf Farms."...
(Nelson family memorial funding in the early 1920's, paid for the installation of the large stained glass window at the front of the church.)
The old original church was erected beginning with a ground breaking in early 1914... "It was a busy scene on Mississippi Way these last few months as neighboring farmers and families broke ground for a new church. One farmer brought his team of horses and scraper to help dig the basement of the church. The snorting and blowing of the horses and the occasional clang as a steel blade hit rock kept the watchers fascinated."
On June 15th, 1916, the New Lutheran Church was dedicated..."Dr. O. A. Elmquist led the way as faithful followers sawed the last board and pounded the final nail in their church building on Mississippi Way. With great pride the workers stood back and looked at the church they had built with their own hands."
"At the time of its dedication, the church had a $600 debt, but the founder of Cloverleaf Creamery, Mr. C. A. Nelson, stepped forward to pay off the debt...In dollars, it was valued at $3,000 but in heart and spirit, and in love it was beyond price to its 74 charter members...(and 42 children)...
The beautiful large stained glass window that occupies the front of the church on the right side was apparently installed in the early 1920's. At the present time there is a brass commemoration plate on the right side bottom edge of the window as one faces the window from the inside. The plate reads" "In Memory of Charles Alfred Nelson 1861-1922 by The Nelson Family."
1942: In this year there was a separation of the original Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fridley into two separate Churches...the northern unit became the Ham Lake Parish served by Pastor Baker who had previously been the Fridley parish pastor. This would have been the first original "Planting" of a church in Redeemer's history. It is not clear whether the Ham Lake Parish continued meeting in the Redeemer church building or obtained their own building.
This old 1916 Lutheran Church building is presently considered to be one of Fridley's historical sites. -*
It was also in 1916 that the first Pastor of Redeemer, Dr. O . A. Elmquist left Redeemer to accept a call elsewhere. He was replaced by Rev. Samuel M. Miller, the founder and first Dean of the Lutheran Bible Institute of Minneapolis.
Note: There has been a suggestion that the Fridley Redeemer Lutheran Church was actually a "Planted" church by the Emanual Lutheran Church of North East Minneapolis (Broadway in Minneapolis)...a church that no longer exists...this is clearly not true...The only common ground between the 2 churches is that they both had the same pastor (Elmquist) for about the same period of time...Every thing took place in Fridley with no help from anyone else...1. locals did the digging, (ground breaking, basement) 2. locals donated the property, 3. locals did the fund raising, 4. locals did the building itself...because of sparse populations during that time period, it was common for two or more churches to have the same Pastor.
The name "Redeemer Lutheran Church" has been a popular name among Lutherans in Minnesota. Stan has noted that Redeemer Lutheran Church is the church name for more than a dozen (13) Lutheran churches in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St. Paul) metropolitan area of the state. (2013)
When June and our family first joined Redeemer Lutheran in 1958, the main structure of the present church did not exist. Only the "Old Chapel" and the basement annex made up the church's physical structure. This was also in the days that the church directories and member's pictures were all in black and white.
The basement annex was first added in 1952. The present sanctuary was later erected and the first service was held on Easter Sunday, April 17, 1960. The cost then was $210,000. The Sunday school building including the church offices were later added and dedicated on September 20th, 1964 at a cost of $190,000.
On January 1st, 1966 the congregation had grown to 2373 baptized members. Further growth continued so that by January 1, 1983 the congregation totaled a baptized membership of 2988.
In 1985 the present activities center was added. In early 2002 extensive remodeling was completed and dedicated consisting of the addition of several church offices and meeting rooms as well as a large new entrance to the building complex.
A history of the City of Fridley ("Fridley It's History and People") has been published by the Fridley Historical Society and the Fridley History Center and first became available in January 2009. A picture of the Redeemer Lutheran Church's Old Chapel appears in this book as one of Fridley's historical buildings.
June's Old Chapel Repair Fund
Unfortunately, for a period of time in 2000-2004, there was a leadership faction in the Church that had a "Out with the Old and in with the New” mentality. This group felt that the old Church did not present an appearance in proper harmony with the other new buildings and should be removed. It is this type of thinking that has over the years, destroyed countless historical buildings and much of the physical evidence of our early heritage.
The matter first came up at a Bible Study held in the Old Chapel in 2000…The mostly senior church members in the group expressed opposition to such a move as did June and I…As a result the matter was taken off of the table temporarily…June and Stan were very opposed to such thinking as were a number of other older Redeemer members in the class.
The matter came up again in 2004 and removal of the Old Chapel appeared to be moving towards a done deal…June and I appeared to be the only vocal members against it at the time…
Representing June, Stan wrote a letter (16 May 2004) to each member of the Congregational Board with a copy to the Senior Pastor…in the letter Stan laid out June and his case for preserving, repairing and updating the Old Chapel....shortly after the letter, Stan held some tense personal meetings with Pastor Glesne and Pastor Kelly in which Stan reviewed the same letter with them...Stan indicated a willingness to send a copy of his letter to each and every member of the congregation soliciting their thoughts in the matter.
This meeting did however result in an agreement not to destroy the old Chapel but to restore it....Fortunately, it now appears that this destruction mentality has gradually disappeared. Beginning in mid 2004, June through Stan, provided weekly funding ear marked for repair of the Old Chapel. A special repair fund was at that time set up on the Redeemer Lutheran accounting books...This fund was later called "June K. Berg, Old Chapel Repair Memorial Fund"...other Berg family members have also made contributions...Stan's last will provides for substantial yearly funding for a decade, in June's behalf from June's life long financial share of June and Stan's marriage estate...this is June's and not Stan's funding...Stan is only acting as June's agent to do for her what she cannot do in Heaven...
The "Old Chapel" now often called the "Heritage" Chapel appears to be a valued part of the overall church complex with many activities being scheduled there.
(Old Chapel Interior)
(Old Chapel - Podium and Communion Stand)
Pastor Glesne later, at Stan's request, formally established the "June K. Berg, Old Chapel Repair Memorial Fund" in 2007. (Family cash donations had already been going into a special fund since 2004.) June's Fund now currently appears on the annual financial reports as one of the building funds and always has a healthy balance. June and her family are the major source of this funding...most funds have come from June's share of Stan and June's life savings.
Substantial funds have already been accumulated and spent on repairs and improvements to the "Old Chapel". These include 1. Replacement of the furnace, 2, the addition of an air conditioner, 3. replacement of the front steps, railings and door, 4. restoration of the large frontal stained glass window...5. new electrical wiring...6. Interior painting...7. new Oak baseboards, 8. repair to the stucco...More recently the 9. Old Chapel Cross was refinished, 10. new carpeting installed and a 11. downstairs prayer room constructed with furnishings.
A special article describing the June K. Berg Old Chapel Memorial Fund can be found on this website on the bottom blue navigation strip under the label: "June K. Berg Memorials." That article is one of several at this location that describes various charitable programs that are currently being used as memorials to preserve June's memory and as Stan's effort to properly use June's share of their joint life savings.
Note: As of September 30th, 2015, the account showed a total income of 69,920.50, a total disbursement of $50,127.71 and with a remaining balance of $19,792.79...the total of cash in the fund of course fluctuates from time to time as the funds are being used on the "Old Chapel" maintenance as needed.
June and Stan's children (in order by age), were all confirmed at Redeemer. David was in the Redeemer confirmation class of 1962. Daniel was in the confirmation class of 1964. Susan was in the confirmation class of 1968. Julie was in the confirmation class of 1973. A number of family baptisms have taken place in the church. Four family members have also been married in this church. (David, Julie, Kristen and Grandma Haldis.) There is little question that the Redeemer Lutheran Church is and has been June's family church home above all others in her life.
The Redeemer Church Business Administrator Annette Beseman advises that in 2008 the weekly church attendance was approx. 745. This represents a 53% increase in weekly attendance since that Sunday 50 years ago in 1958 when June and her family joined the Church. The weekly offerings however, now average $20,789 per week. This amounts to an average of $27.90 per person. The sharply increased giving is probably closely related to the economy and the present average family income. The gross family income for June in 1958 was $7,929 a year. While this seems like a paltry amount compared to present day standards, it actually represented a good income for a middle-income family in that time period.
The Redeemer Lutheran Church has been a member of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) during all of June’s lifetime membership in the Redeemer Lutheran church.
"The Day God Frowned…"
-The "Unusual Tornado" at the 2009 ELCA Convention-
On Wednesday, August 19th, 2009, the ELCA was holding their national convention in downtown Minneapolis. The ELCA meetings were being held in the Minneapolis Convention Center. During this same time the ELCA was using the Central Lutheran Church across the street as their convention church. Dave Glesne, our Redeemer Lutheran Senior Pastor was also attending the conference.
On that Wednesday at 2:00 PM, the convention schedule called for debating and voting on a very controversial matter. This was a proposed “Social Statement on Human Sexuality” – the proposal would permit practicing homosexuals to qualify for pastoral ministry. Previous to this day, the Gay or Homosexual practicing community were welcomed to the Lutheran Church as members but not as clergy.
At the precise time that this matter was scheduled for consideration, (2:00 PM) a rare small tornado struck and severely damaged the Convention Center roof, broke off the cross and split the steeple atop the Central Lutheran Church …the tornado then lifted and disappeared. No severe weather had been predicted nor expected...there were NO Warnings or Watches...the tornado initially touched down in south Minneapolis, (53rd St.) south of downtown, followed a south to north path just east of 35W and crossed the highway to the convention site. (According to the National Weather Service, the Tornado is thought to have briefly lifted between 29th street and the Convention Center area)…a distance of 15 + blocks which included skipping over highway 35W and I-94 and avoiding auto traffic…also very unusual.)
(Tornado Damaged Lutheran Church Steeple)
This tornado appeared to operate with almost surgical precision. No injuries or deaths were reported. The tornado was first reported near East 53rd and Park Avenue (12 blocks south and east of Lakewood Cemetery) at about 1:50 PM…on a south to north path towards downtown…it arrived at the Convention Center at approx. 2 PM and then lifted and disappeared.
The weather bureau rated the tornado as a small one of EF-0 intensity with wind speeds of 75-85 MPH….the 250 yard wide track “shifted slightly west of due north with time”...The total property damage was estimated at $500 thousand (Wikipedia)...when considering the severe damage to the roof of the huge Convention Center and the Central Lutheran Church Steeple and Cross.
other damage would have been modest. Many trees were downed and most property damage amounted to roof singles or damage due to downed trees...NO ONE WAS KILLED OR INJURED!
There is no question but that this was an unusual headline read: "Surprise tornado in Minneapolis." I am not aware of any tornado ever striking the downtown Minneapolis area previously and never in the suburbs without weather warnings or watches.
The governing body of the ELCA said this event was just a coincidence...My take is that this was God speaking with great clarity.
"How Unusual Was This Tornado?"
How unusual was this tornado - Perhaps the words of Paul Douglas, a very popular Twin Cities TV weatherman and meteorologist might cast some light on this question: Paul published the following descriptive comments:
“No watches or warnings were in effect”…”Freak Minneapolis Tornado”…”A meteorologist worst nightmare” …”what the heck happened?” “This was uncomfortably close to being “out of the blue”…”the general perception is that the local weather community was caught with its Doppler down”...”the cell that formed over South Minneapolis developed VERY quickly, by the time warnings were issued ands sirens were sounding the threat was probably long gone.”
Stan narrowly missed a personal encounter with this tornado...just immediately prior to the tornado hitting the Convention Center, Stan had visited June's grave site at Lakewood Cemetery (south of the Convention Center) and placed fresh roses on her grave. As Stan was returning from Lakewood and driving north on highway 35W approaching the I 94 junction near the Convention Center, Stan was suddenly engulfed in torrential rains and was so bad Stan could hardly see to drive. It was later that Stan learned of the tornado...part of Highway 35 was under water for a short time...Stan was very fortunate that day! Apparently his timing was such that Stan was travelling a parallel path south to north but a few blocks west of the tornado’s path and several minutes before the tornado arrived… the point of the Tornado’s origin was just 12 blocks south and east of Lakewood Cemetery. When Stan left Lakewood Cemetery just minutes before the Tornado arrived, there was a light sprinkling of rain that started when Stan arrived and continued during the time Stan was at June’s grave site...Stan was able to replace June’s roses with fresh ones, cut them to length, add water and plant food and otherwise arrange the roses in the permanent bronze vase at June’s site. The rain was so light it was not problem for Stan to do his rose thing at June’s grave site including time for prayers. When Stan returned the following Wednesday, all roses were in good condition and intact except for the effect that a weeks time has on roses. God was looking out for Stan!
The ELCA’s disputed measure passed by the exact required 2/3rds majority. In the months following the ELCA convention’s actions, Redeemer Lutheran Church took the necessary procedural steps to disassociate the church from the ELCA. Redeemer Lutheran Church now belongs to the LCMC. (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ)
“And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, what manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
(Mark 4:41 (KJV)
Two Church - Two Campus Locations
In 2010 the Redeemer Lutheran Church was expanded to a two church or two campus location when the Coon Rapids Campus was added. (2135 Northdale Blvd NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433.) The main office remained in Fridley at 61 Mississippi Way NE.
Overall the total membership had declined. Current membership as of 12/31/11 was 2,126. The weekly Sunday attendance was also down. The average Sunday attendance for 2011 at the Fridley Campus was 567. The attendance in winter, spring and fall was approx. 615 with the summer months attendance at only 471 average.
The Coon Rapids Sunday attendance was approx. 100 all year. Average attendance for both the Fridley and Coon Rapids Campus was approx. 715 for winter, fall and spring with the summer attendance at 582
The Pastors of the Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Elmquist was of course the first Pastor for the Fridley Redeemer Lutheran Church and served from 1911-1916.
Pastor Samuel Miller was a Pastor from 1916-1926 at a reported salary of only $26.50 per month.
Pastor Weinhardt became Pastor in January 1926...Pastor Weinhardt left to become a missionary in Sudan, Africa in December of 1927.
Pastor Baker (dates unknown) was ordained in 1933. Pastor Baker was also the Pastor on the 20th Anniversary of the Fridley Redeemer Lutheran Building in 1936. Pastor Baker left in 1942 to become the Pastor for the newly created "Ham Lake" Lutheran Church.
Pastor Sutherland and family was the first Pastor to occupy the new parsonage erected in 1937. Pastor Sutherland left Redeemer in 1942 to become a Chaplain in the Army in WWII.
Pastor Weinhardt who had returned to Redeemer (1943) after completing his initial Missionary work, died following his last Sunday Sermon September 8th 1946 of a sudden heart attack. (He had just resigned to again return to Africa as a Missionary.)
Pastor Urelius became the Pastor in 1947 and served ten years through 1957.
Pastor Arnold M. Stone became the Fridley Redeemer Pastor in January of 1958. The only Pastor in 1958 when June and Stan joined Redeemer was Pastor Stone. Compared to present day standards, Pastor Stone would probably be considered a no-nonsense type Pastor. Because of this characteristic and in conjunction with his name, he was fondly but not openly referred to by the church young people as "Rocky". When Pastor Stone first joined the Redeemer family on January 1st of 1958, he was initially assisted by Oliver "Ollie" Olson a Youth Director, who later became an ordained minister. In the late 1960's, Associate Pastor J. Henry Bergren assisted Pastor Stone. In November 1973 the Associate Pastor assisting Pastor Stone was Leroy A. Erlandson.
Pastor Gene H. Hermeier in 1979, accepted a call to be the Redeemer Senior Pastor following the retirement of Pastor Stone. Pastor Hermeier's associate Pastors in the 1980's and early 1990's were Pastor Daniel "Dan" D.Rudquist (1980) and Visitations Pastor Clifton "Clif" E. Trued. (1982). Associate Pastor Paul Cross (1990) later joined them.
June recalls that Pastor Cross had his own trademark. He finished every prayer with – "and all Gods Saints said, Amen." The congregation always joined in with a rousing "Amen".
Pastor Dave Glesne became Redeemer's Senior Pastor in 1994 after Pastor Hermeier left Redeemer to accept a call to a church in Illinois.
Pastor Trued filled the gap as temporary Senior Pastor during the interim between Pastor Hermeier's leaving and the selection of a new Senior Pastor. This was a period of staffing turmoil for Redeemer. Pastor Cross left to accept an opportunity to continue his religious studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. Pastor Rudquist left to take a medical disability retirement. Among the various pastors, Daniel Rudquiist with his friendly and joyous manner, was a clear favorite among our children and grandchildren. Pastor Trued left to take a long promised retirement.
Associate Pastor Sean Kelly joined the staff in 1998. *Pastor Sean Kelly left Redeemer Lutheran Church at the end of June in 2007 to accept a call from the Penasquitos Lutheran Church at Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego, CA.
Pastor Harley Schmitt joined the staff in 1997 with special responsibilities for Pastoral Care. (Visitations) His title is "Congregational Care Pastor".
Pastor John Niewald joined the Redeemer Church staff on 1 July 1997 as an Associate Pastor.
Pastor Scott Nocton was called to Redeemer as an Associate Pastor on July 22, 2007. - Pastor Nocton has since taken a medical leave in 2011.
Pastor Jason DeShaw is an Associate Pastor who began his duties on July 10th 2011.
Terri Anderson become an Associate Pastor December 21st, 2014.
Pastor John Niewald became the senior pastor on February 1st, 2015 following the retirement of Pastor Dave Glesne at the end of January 2015.
June had fond memories of all the Pastors who have served Redeemer over the years. As one might suspect, June did have some favorites among the group of pastors. In particular she remembered her relationship with Pastor Hermeier. The combined or joint humor and fun of Pastors Rudquist and Cross stood out as bright spots in the Church for June. Pastor Rudquist is also a clear favorite among some of June's children and grandchildren. The warmth and kindliness of Pastor Trued also made him a favorite. June loved all of the staff under and including Pastor Glesne. June viewed Pastor Kelly as a personable rising young star. (June was deep in the shadows of Alzheimer's when Pastor Kelly left to return to his home state of California.) Pastor Schmitt however, because of his kind and caring contacts with June, occupied a special place in her heart.
Redeemer Lutheran Church Women (LCW)
A series of Bulletins issued by this group dated 1986-1987 through 1997-1998 were reviewed. This collection of ten (10) bulletins when reviewed, disclosed a very active group of Redeemer women who appeared to be carrying a very heavy work load of Redeemer Church functions and services. This group of ladies was also affiliated with the ELCA and their official complete name was “Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” The Women of the ELCA was not an auxiliary but rather an integral part of and partner in the ministries of the ELCA. The shorter name for the group was simply Lutheran Church Women. (LCW)
Lutheran Church Women was broken down into smaller groups called “Circles” Each Circle would meet monthly for Bible study, fellowship and business. Each circle was responsible for a designated church service project or projects. In the time period of 1986 and earlier, eleven (11) Circles were operating at Redeemer. Those 11 circles were: Lydia Circle, Martha Circle, Sarah Circle, Mary Circle, Rebecca Circle, Hannah Circle, Ruth Circle, Naomi Circle, Miriam Circle, Faith Circle, Priscilla Circle and in addition, the Altar Guild Group. Each Circle was headed by a Chairwomen or Co-Chairwomen. Twelve (12) members would be the typical makeup of the group. Meeting times varied from daytime to evening time. Meetings were most often held in one of the member’s homes. The Chairwomen would report to an Executive Board. The symbol of the Lutheran Church Women was a descending dove, a sign the early Christians used to represent the presence of the Holy Spirit among God’s people.
The number of LCW Circles diminished rapidly in the next few years so that by 1997-1998 only five (5) circles continued in operation at Redeemer. The first large reduction in Circles started in 1989-1990. The final five (5) circles in 1997-1998 were Sarah Circle, Rebecca Circle, Naomi Circle, Miriam Circle and the Priscilla Circle.
The LCW was also comprised of a number of standing committees: Education, Membership, Service, Nominating, Library, Historian, Meals on Wheels, Funeral and Quilting. The LCW also conducted special events such as Christmas Smorgasbord, Quiche and Muffins Brunch, Mother-Child Salad Luncheon etc. This large fall back in the Redeemer Women's participation is unexplained but probably was the results of the social change of women leaving the homemaker status and entering the outside work force. This result was also probably a factor in the eventual discontinuation of LCW at Redeemer.
June and the Lutheran Women
A review of the LCW Bulletins revealed that at all times June was member of one of the circles and a very busy lady. In the original eleven (11) Circles, June was the designated Chairwomen of the Ruth Circle. In the later consolidation of Circles into a smaller number, June was transitioned into the Rebecca Circle. June often served as the Circle Chairwoman or as a Co-Chairwoman. In the years 1989-1991, June served on the Service Committee. In 1989 (September 12th) when June was in the Rebecca Circle and serving as Chairwoman.
June's Circle hosted a style show (“Growing Together”) June served as one of the models for this Redeemer Style Show.
In 1992-1993 June also served on the Nominating Committee.
The 2004 Redeemer Church Directory has no further mention of the Redeemer Lutheran Church Women (LCW).
June's Work at the Redeemer Lutheran Church
From 1958 and onward, June quickly entered into the life of the rapidly growing Redeemer Lutheran Church. As I look back over June's life, I see it as a reflection of her doing God's work with no thought of praise, reward or hesitation. June "walked the walk". In her humility she always made light of and ignored her own achievements...many of June's achievements and or accomplishments Stan did not learn of until after June's death in late 2008 due to the complications of Alzheimer's.
(Team of Redeemer Volunteer Ladies working in the Church kitchen)
The photo above was taken on June's Birthday, 8 November 1984. (L-R) Barb Olson, Velma Farr, Marilou Julian, June Berg and Marie Robertson.
June was a member of the Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fridley for over 50 years. June's Redeemer Lutheran Church membership dated back to "World Wide Communion Sunday" on October 5th, 1958.
On this date, June and the entire Berg family became members of the Redeemer Lutheran Church. Daughter Julie was barely one month old on the occasion.
The total of the church attendance on that Sunday in 1958 was 396 persons. There were three services. (8:30 AM, 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM.) The weekly offering totaled $763.70 or approx. $1.93 per person. The church was at the time involved in a building program. Since that time, Redeemer has of course had a continuous series of building programs.
(June hosting the Redeemer "Ruth Circle" meeting in her home)
Photo above is June Hosting the Redeemer "Ruth Circle" meeting in her home at 6025 Gardena Lane, 10 June 1986. (L-R) Front Row: Marie Robertson, Jeanne Lindquist, Velma Farr. Back Row: Barb Olson, Sheryl Melin, Mary Ellen Luckow and June Berg the host.
It was sometime in the period of time during the early 1960's that June served as a Girl Scout Leader for the Girl Scout Troop sponsored by the Redeemer Lutheran Church.
When help was needed in the Sunday school, (1973-1974) June volunteered to teach the third grade.
At one time in the 1970s, June was active in the church "Bell" choir. In the middle 1980s, June acted as a "Meals on Wheels" church volunteer that delivered meals to the elderly in the immediate church area.
June and a church friend Mary Ellen Luckow, served as volunteers to the Lynwood Nursing Home every Wednesday evening for over two years. They participated in dinner and visitation with the residents.
June was also active in the church "Ruth" and later the "Rebecca" circles and took her turn hosting meetings in her home and often served as chairwoman.
The Church was also a part of a weekday afternoon ministry to the Fridley Convalescent Nursing Home. Ardelle Hirschi recalls picking June up on the way to the nursing home during some of the ministry sessions. They would have a "sing-along" for the residents. Ardelle, who is sort of the unofficial Church Pianist, would play the piano while June and other Church Circle members would assist the residents of the home to find the proper songbook pages and sing with them.
Jean Lindquist, one of June's church Circle friends and nearby neighbor, also recalls the nursing home ministry sessions. One of the Church Pastors would have a short sermon followed by communion. Frequently this would be Pastor Rudquist, The ministry session would end with coffee and cake provided by the circle.
June also served a year on the Redeemer Church Board and also served on the Service and the Nominating Committee's. June was one of the church volunteers that provided periodic food and assistance to the Marie Sandvik Mission in downtown Minneapolis.
(The Church fashion show for the ladies with June as a Model)
Photo above shows a "Ladies Fashion Shoe:, September 12th, 1989, with June serving as one of the models!
June would take her turn as one of the Sunday Greeters at the church door. June also occasionally assisted with the Sunday coffee hour.
(June's Church Door Greeter Badge)
June is a "Lutefisk" fan and usually helped with the preparation of the annual "Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner" in the fall of the year. June was also a participant in the "Wednesday Night Alive" activities. (Biblical study series.)
For six years (1992-1998) June participated in the International BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) that met weekly for Bible study at the church. June later became active in the church "Leisure League" activities.
June has always had a grateful heart. June always remembered to thank God for all he had done for her and the family. Stan remembers that even when June was deep in the shadows of Alzheimer's, she always thanked God amid tears at the meal grace periods. In her later years, June would frequently become confused in her prayer of grace, because of her Alzheimer's but not before she had thanked God. Stan would simply step in and complete her prayer for her.
Dean Eberhard (Redeemer member) tells how June was paired with him as an evangelism team to call on Redeemer Church members and visitors. This was a part of the Dr. Kennedy Evangelism Explosion program led by Redeemer's Pastor Erlandson in the 1970's. Dean describes June as:
"I remember for June, presenting the gospel was a very natural thing for her to do. People felt comfortable (not threatened) with her because she was so genuine and related effectively with them. Her love for the Lord shone through her as she conversed with the people...she had a special spirit about her and always smiling."
I am sure that as God closed June's book of life, he said to her:
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
The above photo was taken at the Redeemer Lutheran Church's 4:00 PM Candle Light Communion Service in the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2011. Stan was present at the 10:30 PM Candle Light Communion service and sitting near the front on the right side with his granddaughter Emily and his daughter Julie with her friend Geno. Stan hopes that June was with them in spirit as she was in their memory. The ceremony ended with the singing of "Silent Night", a very emotional time. It was a beautiful ceremony and is traditional every year at Redeemer. The Senior Pastor Dave Glesne gave the Christmas Eve message. The only lighting was that from the Christmas tree at the front of the Sanctuary and the many individual candles held by the seated members. (Photo is by long time Redeemer member and friend, Keith Olson.)
The above photo of the Redeemer Choir was taken on a Sunday Morning at the 10:15 service in the Sanctuary in December 2011. The rearmost male with the white hair on the right side in row seven next to the aisle is this Biography Author Stan Berg. (Photo is by Keith Olson.)